Attending Hand Trauma Theatre

Hand trauma theatres run daily from Monday to Friday in the morning. Those on Monday – Thursday are on level 0 of the pink zone at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and on Friday morning the list is held at Woodend Hospital.

Most procedures are performed under local or regional anaesthetic block. You are awake, but some sedation can be given to help you relax if required. Local block involves the injection of anaesthetic agents which block nerve transmission into the area directly around your injury – similar to at the dentist. Regional block is when the same anesthetic agents are injected around the nerves in your upper arm and this blocks sensation to your whole arm. More information about regional blocks can be found here.

Most of the surgeries we perform have low risks, you can read about the general risks of having an operation on your hand or wrist here. A surgeon will see you to discuss your case and any particular risks before the procedure.

You should arrive at 7.45am and not have your breakfast. Bring any regular medications with you and take antibiotics you have been given with a sip of water. Bring something to entertain yourself such as a book or magazine.

On arrival you will be seen by the nursing staff, surgical team and anaesthetist. You will then be prepared for theatre and have your procedure performed, but there maybe an hour or two of waiting while others are treated. Once you have had your procedure you are free to go – one of the main benefits of block anaesthetics comparing to general anesthesia where you are asleep.

After your operation advice can be found here on managing symptoms. It is important to follow the instructions you are given and attend your follow up. This may be at Woodend Hospital with our specialist hand physiotherapy team or with your GP. If you only need a wound check and suture trimming or removal at your GP you will need to make this appointment yourself.